Springs Yoga Studio

Thinking about trying yoga or looking for a yoga studio that doesn’t feel commercialized? We recommend Springs Yoga in lower Sandy Springs.

I understand that people are really into the power yoga and hot yoga. I tried hot yoga. Once.

My family was looking for an authentic yoga studio where they really care about form and truly teach the mental “practice” of yoga. Everyone in my family wanted something slightly different.

I wanted to become a yogi for the strengthening and flexibility, as well as the mindfulness. But I have back problems, so I wanted to be sure it would be a yoga studio that teaches the poses properly.

My daughter, Julia, wanted a studio that offers the practice of yoga that inspires being intentional and present, as well as the physical strength. But she is in recovery from a spinal cord injury, so it was important to find a yoga studio that teaches modifications and individualizes the instruction for those who need it.

My other daughter, Abi, is young and healthy and has no health issues. She was looking for a good workout and has discovered at an early age that yoga does not have to be a contest about who can keep up, is the most flexible or the strongest. It is an individual practice and striving to improve yourself is paramount.

My husband, honestly, was just a good sport and came because I wanted him to try it. He is a former athlete and was open to it. He is really enjoying it and says that he hasn’t felt this good in a long time and it is really helping his strength and posture.

While it seems like a new yoga studio is popping up on every block these days, RuthAnn and David, a husband-wife team, started Springs Yoga in 2002. This studio attracts people of all ages, from all over Buckhead and Sandy Springs. They welcome both beginners and experienced yoga students. They offer a wonderful introductory package of three classes for $20, so you have nothing to lose!

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