Duolingo App: The Quick, Easy and Free Tool to Learn Different Languages

Do you want to learn a new language? Do you know that you can learn a new language for free? Try the Duolingo app and be fluent in other languages.

Meet Duolingo App

One of the most popular and well-known applications for learning a new language is Duolingo. It is a fun, addictive, and completely free online app, which offers 11 language courses for English speakers. Aside from that, there are also 2 beta languages and 8 languages that are still “hatching” in their incubator.

Duolingo app also includes language courses for speakers of languages aside from English. These include French for Portuguese speakers, English for Czech speakers, and much more.

I’ve used Duolingo to learn Spanish. In fact, when I was in Costa Rica last year, the language came back to me much better than I expected. However, I loved it down there so much that I became determined to be able to converse better on my next trip. Also, my son is spending the summer in Costa Rica and is becoming fluent in Spanish, so I am working hard on Duolingo again so I can speak Spanish with him.

How does it Work?

Duolingo is a great illustration of a straightforward language app. It is very simple to use since you just have to set up a profile, choose a target language, set your weekly goals and you are ready to start! Each course in the Duolingo app is made up of modules, which are grouped to form skills.

Then, the app will tell you the correct order of modules that you need to complete before going to the next step. Duolingo requires every user of the app to complete lesson 1 to be able to progress to the next lesson, and so on.

Once you press the “test out” button, Duolingo will take you to a shortcut menu to avoid going through the individual modules that cover materials that you’re already familiar with. However, you need to pass the test because there are no shortcuts in learning new languages. By the way, I did NOT pass it the first time I took a test.

Once you’ve finished all of the lessons and exercises in a module, an additional screen will appear. It will show your “weakest words” that the Duolingo identified while you worked through the module. So, you have the choice to retake some lessons or not.

Heads: My son and I love using the Duolingo app. Honestly, I can’t wait to go back to Costa Rica with my improved Spanish skills!

Tails: Duolingo is now available for the classroom. In fact, thousands of teachers are already using it to enhance their lessons. It’s a fun way to reinforce vocabulary and grammar.

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