Cricket Wireless

Cricket can lower your cell phone bills dramatically. We are not sure why everyone isn’t using Cricket. We just switched from AT&T to Cricket. We were paying over $70 per month with AT&T just for one phone. Now, we have two phones on the Cricket plan and it only costs $90.

We were hesitant at first because we wanted to be sure the coverage was good enough. Guess what we learned? AT&T bought Cricket, so it is the same coverage! We weren’t so sure about pre-paying for the service, but when we really thought about it, why does it matter if we pay before the month or after? We lowered our cost $5 by agreeing to the auto-pay feature as well.

We paid a $25 activation fee for each phone and they made the switch super easy. We have great coverage and just put money back in our pockets by lowering our bill! No brainer!

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