Caroline’s Shiny Penny: Marty with Mr. Plumber

Not everyone can say that they love their plumber. But I do.

I just moved into my new house in the Brookhaven/Sandy Springs area. Getting settled in and getting out of boxes. I noticed the kitchen sink gurgling like it did not feel well. Before I knew it, the disposal side was splitting up and the other side was spewing black gunk.

In swooped Marty with Mr. Plumber. He worked on this situation for two days straight and would not give up until he got it sorted out. The original cast iron pipes under the house basically had accumulated so much grease from the kitchen sink that the three-inch pipe was completely blocked. Think blocked artery. Complete blockage.

He ended up removing all of the cast iron and replacing it with new pipe that is clean as a whistle. I will spare you from posting what the inside of the pipe looked like, but I wanted to give a shout out to Marty for doing an amazing job. He is definitely a Shiny Penny if you ever need a plumber in the Atlanta area.

Mr. Plumber, 770-777-1111

Be sure to ask for Marty and tell him Caroline sent you!

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